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Mind's Preoccupation

sassygirl3869 9 Sep 22
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looks about right.

scurry Level 9 Sep 22, 2018

Even if the 'bubbles' are different 'sizes', not having to scrape for a living, or just barely eking by paycheck to paycheck, that is what your preoccupation will be. Even if we didn't go to providing a basic income, but at least made sure folks received a 'living wage', that would be a major improvement!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 22, 2018

They did this in Finland. And other Nordic countries give basic living amounts. This is not welfare and is on top of other social amounts. And they are some of the happiest ppl in the world. We should be following this model and not degrading ppl for needing extra assistance.

nikkir Level 7 Sep 22, 2018

I love how tRump, & many other of the rich, degrade helping the poor & working class. The 'Orange One' acts like he is a self-made man (what a lousy contractor!), but he got $1 million from his Dad when he started on his own, after making many contacts in real estate thru him, then whatever came from the inheritance. Even then he went bankrupt at least 4 times!

@phxbillcee shhhhh....your not suppose to point these things out. Capitalism is the American dream. Everybody can get rich if they work hard enough. Except the 1% is the only one getting richer and the middle class no longer exist. Plus we need to give Obama a big fucking thumbs up for setting up the tax breaks and bailouts during the recession to stimulate the economy. And we are seeing how that is working ?

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