3 5

Yep, that's a bun.

Tomfoolery33 9 Sep 23
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Shit! And I've been using bobby pins for all this time.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Nobody will be ruffling her feathers!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 23, 2018

If that's a guy, the snake should strangle him.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

What's with the man bun hate?

@misternatureboy Unless you are Jon Snow, about to lead your people into battle against the Night King, for the survival of humanity, you have NO business ever wearing a man bun. They look incredibly stupid, and make any man wearing one, look like a monumental hipster douchebag.
Does that answer your question?

@KKGator Sure. I just wanted to see why someone would express so much loathing for something so inconsequential, so not Donald Trump.

@misternatureboy I'm good at multi-tasking. I am capable of detesting things other than just 45.

@KKGator haha , I would never wear my hair in a bun. I call bs on john snow, he aint all that. Ragnar 4 the win

@metalhead222 Ragnar? I am unfamiliar.

@KKGator he is a Viking king also started the tv show on him vikings

@metalhead222 Oh. Never watched it.

@KKGator watch it

@metalhead222 No thanks. I've been told to watch it before. I have no interest.

@KKGator as you wish, the show is amzing.

here is a taste

@metalhead222 Glad you enjoy it.

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