we've gotten 9 inches over average for the month and it's raining again.
That is our (Phoenix) average for a whole year! & we're well below that this year.
Dude...stop bragging, your giving me an inferiority complex...??????
Gotta trim mine, I'll be ok
I've found as I've gotten (just a bit) older, mine are starting to go somewhat 'Andy Rooney' on me!
@phxbillcee I get mine trimmed along with when I get my haircut.
@phxbillcee that way I won't look like this guy! lol
@balou I don't get haircuts anymore, so I trim them myself. (P.S. Why did you decide to go for "Non-Descript Man" as your avatar???)
@phxbillcee It's a silhouette of a Houston Astros baseball player. They are my favorite sports team. The reigning world champs. They are back in the playoffs.
@balou I see that in my 'alerts', but get the generic male figure here in post???
@balou & I see the Astros' one to the right, don't know why it doesn't transfer here for me (just me?)
@phxbillcee It this not what you are seeing?
@balou I see that on my alerts, I see that to the right. Next to your replies here I see the generic male silhouette.
@phxbillcee that's weird.
@balou I agree, wonder what everybody else 'sees'? I have to assume you see the Astros next to your replies.
@phxbillcee Yes, I see no problems.
@balou Weird, for sure. Well, if this is as bad as a glitch gets, I can live with it!
@balou It's good now!!! Damned if I know.
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.