Dinner is served?
Let's play motorcycle?
'Loch Lomond'?
@phxbillcee I guess that one flew over my head
@zorialoki Loch Lomond? "...You take the high road & I'll take the low road..."
@phxbillcee You could have just said that, geeze
@zorialoki I just did! & I figured that most would get the reference as "The Loch Lomond" is so much more concise & poetic than repeating the whole lyric.
@phxbillcee Sorry, I don't remember ever hearing it
@zorialoki Being Scots-Irish I'm very familiar with it...
@zorialoki A better version...
@phxbillcee Being 1/2 Irish, and have worked for PBS for almost 30 yrs. I should know this, but as soon as they start singing Danny Boy I shut that shit out
@zorialoki Sorry, I just can't help it!!! (Also one of the sappiest versions!)
@phxbillcee Fuck you very much. I think I won't listen. I find this outrageously offensive. ??
@zorialoki I understand, here you go...
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