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I know a few people like this 🙂

Heffster 6 Oct 24
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Why does this remind me of the orange one?

Livinlife Level 9 Oct 24, 2018

That's when you have to go to the 'Yo' Mama' jokes!

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 24, 2018

I have the best comebacks! The best ones ever! Sometimes it takes me about 10 minutes, but they are good!

Yeah, or when they come to you in the shower the next morning & you just want to run back & start over!

@phxbillcee Reminds me of one time I got a room mate good. I was in my room, laying on the floor messing around on the interwebz. I went to get up and he was staring at me on the floor. Scared the shit out of me. Few days later my other roomie was gone. Just me and him. He was in the shower. I turned all the lights off, stripped to my boxers, and waited for him on his bed. He turned the light on, and there I was. I said "mi suzi, me scuzi". However you spell it (if you saw the movie Eurotrip, you'd think it's even funnier). Scared the shit out of him! Never went in my room again. lol

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