Tho I don't have them for breakfast, I'd rather beans than grits! Actually prefer hash browns or Potatoes O'Brien!
A former friend of mine had to go to jail. After he was convicted, they didn't haul him off right away. They gave him an extension. Had to show up one day on time, or he'd go right to prison. Anyways, I suggested he ate a bunch of beans before he had to go. I house sat for him, and was there the night before he had to go. Next morning he ate 2 cans of beans and drank a six pack. From what he described, it backfired very badly. lol
Don't take too much advice from me. lol
Ah, the old 'Ted Nugent' ploy!
@phxbillcee From what I understand, very close to that. lol
Grits?......Blah. Bacon & Eggs and more Bacon is a proper American breakfast. Grits are for the chickens and worse than beans for breakfast.
@Captnron59 It must be an acquired taste. I lived in Alabama last year and it's almost assumed out there that if you're having breakfast grits are apart of that.
@Captnron59 grits are the best when properly cooked with salt and pepper.
They're good for your heart.. But not in the morning... I'd be farting all day lol
And yes, girls do fart!
& queef!
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