I still have a few, & there is no film in them!
Unfortunately, no weed either!
@phxbillcee I actually found one awhile back that was stashed away and had a surprise baggy inside
@zorialoki Score!
@phxbillcee I thought so
What I used it for or what it’s supposed to be used for?
I used them as intended originally, but also had a number of them filled with survival/first aid supplies in a compass pouch along with a spare pocket knife.
This was attached to my rucksack on long range recon patrols.
Is this something to do with drugs?
People used to use them as stash containers
@zorialoki I see. I'm naive when it comes to illegal substances, but I've learned a few things on this site, lol.
@MST3K At least this site has proved to be educational
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