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Aussie Aussie Aussie.

Sandy6767 7 Nov 6
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The GREAT Aussie Tradition, a snag, a slice of bread, grilled onions and Tomato Sauce, beats a Hotdog any day.

Triphid Level 9 May 6, 2019


NYTrink Level 6 Nov 7, 2018

A major hardware store here. ?

@Sandy6767 yes, I spent a year there on student exchange - fantastic time, great food, amazing people. I'm a huge fan of Oz!

@NYTrink yes, we really are the lucky country. Glad you enjoyed it, perhaps you could show me your part of the world one day. ✌?

@Sandy6767 I'd love to!! Let me know when you have travel plans, and I can help you see some outstanding places. 🙂

@NYTrink fantastic, we’ll stay in touch.


I'll take it without the bread.

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 7, 2018

Looks good... I like my tacos though...


Or broke college kids...


yeah right

zenith01 Level 5 Nov 6, 2018

Do we have a regional dispute here? Are tacos an actual thing there? Questions, questions...LOL!

@phxbillcee hahaha no, it’s a bit of an insider joke, we have lots of big stores like Bunnings that have a BBQ out the front selling these sausages on bread, it’s almost an Aussie tradition to have one. We love them over here about as much as we perceive the Americans love their Tacos.

@Sandy6767 I will pass on the snags but love my tacos.

@Sandy6767 The least you guys could do would be to put it on a roll! White bread, really???

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