Libertarian-socialist. The best of all.
I'm pretty sure those are contradictions.
@phxbillcee not hardly. In fact the words "libertarian" and "socialism" have been so corrupted as to lose their meanings. As an anarchist myself, I am both a libertarian and a socialist in the truest sense of the words. Listen to what Noam Chomsky has to say about the matter. He puts it much more eloquently than I can.
@Bakunin They are contradictions as those terms are used now. Unless you can come up with other terms that will be accepted here those are the terms we are stuck with. Therefore, older, "ideal" definitions, tho interesting & showing how things have changed, don't help with discussing things in the here & now.
@phxbillcee look. What I am talking about is socialism not the libertarian party. The capitalists stole the word. If you take socialism to it's radical end point of pure liberty then it is essentialky anarchism.
It's a wonder Trump hasn't requisitioned those for the boarder.
He's so nuts he might deploy them on the Northern border.
@Umbral Well, that would make sense. Stop the Yanks from fleeing North!
@phxbillcee lol he better do something!
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