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Don't you just hate it?

glennlab 10 Nov 24
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Some of us just like a little narrative, that's why they invented the paws button.


That's me ? Even at movie theatre ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Nov 25, 2018

We should make sure to go together so we can chat away. ??


That would be me... the one questioning ???

Zoohome Level 8 Nov 24, 2018

I just point out the things that are scientifically or historically wrong.

@glennlab I am kidding... well... slightly. I don't really watch TV, so I usually end up joining the show when it has already started.


And if you explain everything you end up missing things then you're both screwed lol


So,yer gonna wear out the "Pause button"? And same when someone has to use the restroom in a movie,and your job is to "Bring them up to speed" on the recent events? Plot twists,new characters and location changes.

Mike1947 Level 7 Nov 24, 2018

Personal pet peeve. ?

Sandy6767 Level 7 Nov 24, 2018

mine too.

@glennlab if I had a dollar for every time I yelled out , just watch the friggen movie, I’d be loaded.

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