7 8

Well, that's different.

Tomfoolery33 9 Dec 14
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The "picture" of it in the above ad looks like they just stuck a vibrator between the cups & that was it. Not nearly as high-tech as the one listed in Amazon, tho possibly more attractive!

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 15, 2018

Are you serious? I have to go check it out.

@Zoohome @Anonbene has it shown below.


Why have I not heard of this before?

Livinlife Level 9 Dec 14, 2018

How did we miss out?

@Kojaksmom lol right? All hail amazon! ?


There are lots of them on Amazon and they come in breast enlarger type too and warmers built in for witches

Anonbene Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

Were you researching this for any particular reason?

Your post prompted it but they really sold me when I read the warming aspect and thought it might help my girlfriend with her recurring witch tendencies. That bitch. ?

You know what this will do???? Most likely make a woman lactate. That's how it will enlarge. (Well, a woman that already gave birth I think)

My friend is a sucker for anything that vibrates. She gets wet when the phone rings. ?

@Anonbene does she have one of those?

Not yet. Just saw it yesterday. I hope it comes with a remote on off switch like her butt plugs do so I can torment her at Golden Corral. ?

@Anonbene kinky stuff

I make an effort to keep life interesting for her.


That won't relax me, it will excite lol


Someone print that off, mail in the part you need to fill out, but ask if they take C.O.D's. lol I know it say they don't.


reminds me of the vibrator ads, where they show the girl massaging her face

glennlab Level 10 Dec 14, 2018

Hey I'm down with this idea! I bet that would feel great!.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Dec 14, 2018
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