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Do ? boobs count as porn?

OpposingOpposum 9 Dec 20
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Only if you're an elephant, I would think.

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 20, 2018

Is that Elephant Twerking???

scurry Level 9 Dec 20, 2018

It appears so, yes

@OpposingOpposum Ok then. Good to know.

@scurry, @OpposingOpposum How ok??? With a minor??? Priorities, people! LMAO!

@phxbillcee Ever since the whole PETA movement took off, Elephants are finding it hard to find honest work, the Circus is out of style and Elaborate shows in Vegas are really hard to break into.
The sub-culture of Elephant-Twerking had become one of the only outlets for the aspiring Show Elephant. This is a simple picture documenting the passing on of a trade from one Elephant generation to the next. Elephant Twerking takes YEARS to master and obviously this youngster is super eager and willing to put in the work.
Heartwarming when you look at it like that...

@scurry Oh, that is great! Thank you for that, Your thought processes are almost as convoluted & twisted as mine! I like that in a woman!

@phxbillcee thanks. 😉 and you're welcome.
I'm just happy i've finally found a place to share my twisted & conveluted thoughts. Lol.


How about some armadillo tiddies to go along with that ?

mishw Level 6 Dec 20, 2018

"Anime tits"?

You can always tell a mammal, but you can't tell 'em much!



mishw Level 6 Dec 20, 2018

Are you asking for a friend?

ATDayHiker Level 7 Dec 20, 2018

Pffft. I wish mine were that perky.

@OpposingOpposum That image did not display when I first saw this page - only the text you typed was there. Now I see the image and get the joke.

@OpposingOpposum Yours are fine, or so I've been told! (by many a bathroom wall throughout Florida!!!)

@OpposingOpposum Plus the cameras I've had installed! They still work, btw, you never found them all!

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