Just put a border around the WH.. be done with it. We don't need that riff raff in here.
If we did have to have one, my proposal would be fro San Diego to El Paso, North to about Clayton, NM, East for a bit & then South to to about Beaumont. Give all that area back to Mexico, or, as they always threaten to do, let 'em go their own way! I'd much rather lose Texas & Ted Cruz than California any day! Oh, & I'd throw in Oklahoma for free!
That looks very similar to how Mexico's boarders were originaly.
@Xanadutoo Actually, it varied a lot for a number of years. The Spanish had settled virtually all of the Southwest. The Missions & Forts from that era still dot the area.
Below, 1821, 1836, 1848, 1854...
I'm surprised it wasn't drawn around Texas.
I would prefer a wall around the old Confederacy and to send racists there.
That would work, too!
You no likey California....
@Captnron59 wow.. I've never been there...
@Captnron59 I've actually found the rudest, most bigoted & full of themselves people in Texas! California does have some snobs, Texans seem to think they're god's gift, literally! Was a crappy place to travel through with my family, was dangerous as hell to thumb through as a teen & has sent some of the absolute worst politicians to D.C.! I'd even rather Kansas City Bar-B-Que! Except for Mississippi, Texas is my least favorite state!
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.