6 10

You will NEVER convince me that chocolate is a bad thing...

pmar074 6 Dec 31
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Health freaks make me laugh , occationaly cry , and always make me feel at least above average brain ways ?. They are very good for my self respect / praising ?
So conscious to squeeze another ten years out of life , u know , mostly the years that u pee on self and u don't remember your name ?
Sooo self importance , sooo much in need for control ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 1, 2019

I would rather die ten years younger than deprive myself of the pleasure of experiencing a wide range of food from all of the different cultures from around the world!


Bacon too! (Praise the lard!)

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

Dammit I read "Colonic Irrigation" on my last day before the New Year....

Maybe I'll make it through next year without that word?

Also the woman on the left? No make up. I'm not saying it could all be fixed? But some hair extensions and makeup could do a lot - because the one on the right? She's got makeup - that's for sure.

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

Also, I make no apologies for the fact that I find the woman on the right far more physically attractive than the woman on the left. Political correctness may be able to suppress freedom of thought and speech but it will NEVER undo thousands of years of evolution!

pmar074 Level 6 Dec 31, 2018

@MissKathleen Definitely. What's inside is far more important. I've met my fair share of people that are beautiful on the outside but very ugly on the inside. I have female friends that I am not physically attracted to but they are beautiful people. I love the movie "Shallow Hal" for that very reason.


I'm 57 years old, too.
I don't look like either of them.
I do, however, eat like Nigella does.
I might not be beautiful, but my food makes me happy.
I really have no use for people like the woman on the left.
She's free to do as she pleases, but I wouldn't follow her advice for anything.

Dark chocolate is life.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 31, 2018

...or that wine is! (Or butter, meat, bourbon...)

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 31, 2018
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