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Don't get me wrong - I love both dogs and cats. However, I love the sinister/indifferent nature of cats at times. They crack me up...

pmar074 6 Jan 2
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Being only a cat person and not a dog person, I can see my cat thinking this. She is the cat's meow alright..


If you haven't already, I'm taking this over to "Feline Fanatics", they ought to get a kick out of it!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 2, 2019

Sure, I didn't get around to sharing it there too. Cheers!


I think Darwin is evil?

I think the phenomenon is cool as hell (pun intended!).
"Their eyes glow because of a layer called the tapetum lucidum just behind the retina. ... Cats, dogs, deer, and other nocturnal animals have good night vision because whatever the photo-receptor cells in their retina doesn't catch, hits the tapetum lucidum and takes a second pass at the retina again."


I gave my cat some leftover salmon once and two hours later he brought me a headless bunny. I also got a dead bird for my birthday once. I never did trust that cat.

I had a cat one time that would go to the local dumpster and bring me the biggest live cockroaches as a gift. She would then release them and they would run underneath my furniture.

@MissKathleen true ,cats tolerate us. if we were to drop dead they would go to the neighbor's house for their dinner

@Kojaksmom Our neighbor put their 16-pound cat on a diet so he decided to move in with us. He didn't go back until we sold the house last year.

@Kojaksmom If we were to drop dead cats or dogs would wait a bit, & then have us for dinner! Dogs may wait a little longer, is all!

A bell on the collar worked for me.

@MissKathleen Dogs have owners, cats have staff.


This pretty much so says it all.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

That was adorable and hilarious LoL

@MissKathleen That is funny, but a kitten of the same age as that puppy would have been up & down those stairs, climbed the kitchen cabinets, been back up & down the stairs, knocked a cat toy under the couch, climbed your pant leg, been back up & down the stairs & then taken a nap by the time that puppy finally made it to the bottom!


Hahaha cat's are crazy ?

Yep! Bitch where's my food? Bitch get off my chair! Bitch why you looking at me? Bitch my litter box ain't going to clean itself lol!

Mine figured out pretty quickly that best way to get me out of bed to feed her was to stomp the bladder. I'd come out the bathroom and she'd look at me "Now you've finished, how 'bout you get me some breakfast " then run downstairs to her food bowl.

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