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Freespirit64 8 Jan 2
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Laughed out loud.


What a worthless POS. He can go scratch Dumpster's ass.

Nugent got rich in the CAT SCRATCH FEVER chorus banging on his shitty guitar and wasted all that fame upon fascism greed & misogyny


I heard a story about him basically purchasing a young girl from her parents? Outside the country I think. I need to look up the details. I agree - a real douche bag! Worse than trump if that's possible.

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 2, 2019

What a douche! Shit-pants, Ted!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 2, 2019

this fascist mass murderer of countless deer on his large Michigan ranch is somewhat of a Russsshhhaaaah dingy Crazy GREEDY LimpBOSS radio cult liar WANNABEE he occasionally guest hosted for Sean Slammity but mostly does the religious insane circuit of radio and religious nutcase tv shows


Nugent and Kanye are Trumps big musician friends/backers . . . . if that's not a cry for help I don't know what



Kojaksmom Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

In 2016, they marked his concert tickets down to $5 from $67 and still couldn't fill the arena. []

glennlab Level 10 Jan 2, 2019

Good! Fuck him! Lol



@Captnron59 see a doctor. ?

@Captnron59 oh... Hahaha... I get it...?

@Captnron59 now you tell me...

Burn! Cold!

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

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