Regarding the pic on the right...that one seems to be for they make a ladies' model?
My Google-Fu says yes.
@Blindbird Bet you didn't really have to Google it!
@phxbillcee hahajahjahajah. I waited the appropriate amount of time to make it seem like that wasn't saved in my browser.
Nah I have that exact same thermos as in the third image. It has burned me many times..
I've been burned by those things, too, but what's this about a thermos?
@phxbillcee thanks for the mental scarring,you two.
@Blindbird anything I can do to help...
@Blindbird speaking of scaring, man do I have some myself.
@Brbaldwin from the aforementioned "thermos" I suppose.
@Blindbird yes!
@Brbaldwin oy vey.
Loved the first, I guess the second was punny, & the third...not gonna go there!
Always pushing the envelope.
What punny?? Bah! That's from Gladiator! Love the reference!
@BeeHappy Still punny!
@BeeHappy Yep!
@phxbillcee, this could go on forever, but why when it's so obviously clear I'm correct!
@BeeHappy Clean your sunglasses!
@phxbillcee, hahaha!
Liked for the taco reference.
Not gonna say a thing...
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