Guess it should have said "some assembly required"...
Fun fact. Most people that were crucified weren't nailed. First nails can't hold up the weight of a body. If they were used, the had a little foot pedistal to hold the weight. They almost always used ropes. The more you know...
And when they did use nails to administer their finale performance, I'm sure they must have used finishing nails. The extra large version of course.
@dartagnan6666 The Jeebus version was a spear...
Was that a finishing spear?
@dartagnan6666 Lemme double check with the bible. Remember the part where jeebus said stick your hand in my side?
Pardon my ignorance, but I've never been a xtan, and have not read a word of the bible.
And I thought Ikea was the penultimate place to get a crucifixion kit.
I love that word!
I concur, it's probably my penultimate word of all time. Haha
Actually, if the truth be known, I've probably never uttered or written it before in my life,
just popped into my head at just the precise moment. I love it when that happens, leaves me thinking "where in the heck did that come from".
This is my only foray (there's another one) into social media, and I love the opportunity it gives me to play at being an amateur word smith.
I read about a guy who tried to crucify himself, using a nail gun.
He was successful in nailing one hand, but didn’t really think the entire process through ?
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.