6 8

I bought these.

WonderWartHog99 8 Jan 27
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Great choice.

Mokvon Level 8 Jan 29, 2019

Well done!

Squirrel Level 7 Jan 28, 2019

I remember those


The lenses are made out of old beer bottle glass.

beenthere Level 7 Jan 27, 2019

Not quite powerful enough!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 27, 2019

Keeps the mystery and us men trying.

@beenthere The clothing alone does that, & we men try even in Nudist Colonies. It's in our genes, even if we're not wearing them!!!


Why is she taking off your glasses and her clothes?

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 27, 2019

She's not.

She's taking off my x-ray specs. Quicker story: It's joke, me bucko.

For the guilty bystanders: one of the great scams of comic books was an ad for x-ray glasses. They mislead many a horny pre-teen into sending them money.

The other scam was sea monkeys.

For a laugh riot on comic book scams, sea monkeys and x-ray specs, see:

@WonderWartHog99 Brine shrimp are actually a staple in most stores that sold aquariums & "pet" fish. They were perfect feed for your fish until they grew enough to graduate to "feeder" goldfish. For a while, I kept a red-tail shark, Jack Dempsey & an Oscar (along with a plecostomus & some filter-cleaners). The more you feed them, & the bigger the tank, the more they grow! Had to leave them with a roommate, as I found I had pressing business elsewhere when certain business practices became, er, questionable! This was well before legalization in any state!

@WonderWartHog99 I remember those in magazines when I was growing up. Never tried them because I lived in a pretty strict conservative family, but I had fantasies like thousands of boys

. . . well before legalization in any state!

They have some dirt cheap flights from here to Bolder, CO for wilder weekends than I having in South Carolina.

@BudFrank I didn't send off for the X-ray specs because I'm seriously cheap and I started asking the how could they possibly WORK?

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