3 16

When bible bangers CONTINUE to quote scripture after I told them I have contempt for their book, I quote from the scripture of the Last Temple of the Great Black Cosmic Muffin Mistress.

Doesn't slow them down.

WonderWartHog99 8 Jan 31
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Ya good luck with that..


Or, to really flummox & piss them off, quote passages back that contradict what they've stated! There are sure enough of them!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 31, 2019

The theory is if they want to quote their book, I can quote Muffinism back at them. Says here in the High Holy Book of Who Ha, Chapter Square Root of Negative One . . . It's been a non-functional theory. They don't catch on that my self-invented religion mocks their fictional faith.

The problem with your suggestion is I've always had trouble memorizing anything including state capitals, times tables and so on. Memorizing dozens of chapter and verse bible quotes would be an epic struggle.

However memorizing CONCEPTS comes easily for me. I've been involved with on line groups long enough to memorize the concepts to argue against their religious beliefs. My favorite concept is when they disavow the old testament to endorse the new testament. What, Jesus wasn't Jewish? He didn't base his faith on the laws of Judaism? Are the Old Testament predictions of Jesus' coming as a messiah like really, really bogus? He just sprang from whole cloth and disavowed all of Judaism? Don't you believe in talking snakes anymore?

Their arguments are predictable. Once confronted with questions they can't answer after they snarl at me, they don't darken my door again.


Zap. You're a frog.

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