7 15

Well, it happened again... ???

Cutiebeauty 9 Feb 13
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Splash down! ??

TDSkully Level 7 Feb 13, 2019

I am so very happy this never happened to me

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

That last 1 inch seems HUGE.


Look before you sit, idk.
I don't know about women's public restrooms, but before I sit on a toilet in a men's public restroom to drop a deuce, I will look at the toilet seat to make sure there are no pee stains or skid marks on the seat .


Just wait till the kid learns how to put Saran Wrap over the bowl????


Neither the seat nor the lid should be up, except when in use!!!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 13, 2019

Dream on???

I always lower them before I flush. I admit, I have one of those "self/soft closers" that need just a nudge to softly close themselves, but I always nudge. It's filthy to flush when the lid is up!


Yet another reason why I absolutely love living alone.
That NEVER happens.

KKGator Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Except when you have company??

@phoenixone1 I do not have company. LOL

@KKGator you saying your a hermit???

@phoenixone1 Not really. I just don't get a lot of company, and when the small humans are here, they know to put the seat, and lid, down when they're done.

@KKGator and I don't suppose you threatening to boil them in oil if they forget has anything to do with it???

@phoenixone1 That's called "deep-frying" down here.

@KKGator regular or extra crispy???

@phoenixone1 Extra-crispy, of course. Duh!!

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