I would HAVE to....
I have some pretty big cahones but....HELL NO???
I've almost always had a bike or 2.
Currently, I don't.
@KevinAverett still have one.... 83 Suzi 650...19k miles?
My last was an '07 Bourget Dragon Softtail Chopper.
Had over 45k into it with murals.
Front end locked up while racing a Harley and I rode the guardrail for a couple hundred feet.
@KevinAverett ouch...I broke my collar bone back in October of 83' in a minor bike wreck. Then broke the same collarbone in a different place in December 83' because I couldn't say no to skiing...ooops
My left ankle was damaged when left binding didn't release...as I tumbled in the Army in 1978.
Lost 70 percent mobility.
Always hurts.
(but, I haven't let them amputate and give me a prosthetic.)
I do not, and for once, I am glad about that.
Just once???
@phoenixone1 Yep, just this once.
That is one badass unicycle
Always wanted one of those cycles they had in MIB1
Where do you put your feet and does that handlebar really turn the wheel?
I don't know and I GUARANTEE I won't be trying to find out???
@phoenixone1 cluck, cluck, cluck ???????????????????????????????????????????????lmao I wouldn't either... Even if it had three wheels!
The footrests are near the rear of the wheel, & to steer you sort of leaned/pulled/pushed into it. I once could ride a regular unicycle, but I'm not getting on this! Rather be a live chicken than KFC!
@phxbillcee I suspect that the handlebars are merely to hold on and assist leverage to lean to turn. I wonder what the top speed was and wouldn't it be fun filming the faces of people zoomed passed on the freeway.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.