This Post made & presented by computers & the internet! Little bit of irony here?
It was made by a human saying social media should be thrown away for a moment not forever. Arrived via computer systems which have no responsibility for anything.
moderation in everything, just as you shouldn't divorce yourself from life, you should not divorce yourself from technology, enjoy the benefits of both not to the exclusion of the other.
It's why I go camping -- no social media.
But without this social app how would I have seen that and known to put down my smart phone?
Use your untapped cosmic abilities.
@WonderWartHog99 Pray tell, what the heck does that even mean???
@phxbillcee You'll have to tap into those unknown abilities to find out. Do your research. Afterwards, send me a postcard out of your unbridled appreciation for your new and unexpected discoveries.
Stop that praying. It won't get you anywhere.
@WonderWartHog99 Well, neither will "cosmic" abilities, really. I do research the "cosmos", I enjoy & am in awe of much of what we find when we explore the Universe, but what this has to do with my abilities or lack thereof I still don't understand. I thought you gave up drugs???
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