Don't kids have to be vaccinated before they can enroll in school?
my mom is far from an anti-vaxxer, but i never got all of my vaccinations. she weighed the side effects of the vaccine against the likely hood of the disease along with what the actual illness entailed.
Still fucked up. Herd immunity is what we're pushing for. Now if you couldn't get a vaccination because you are allergic you would be relying on other people who were vaccinated to keep you safe
@Kojaksmom i agree to an extent. i don't believe that vaccines cause autism. also, most of the parents that are so worried about the mercury issue don't realize that you can ask for vaccinations without preservatives, ie. less, or no mercury. i do believe that when putting anything into your or your child's body, you need to be educated, but some people take it too far. out of all the vaccines that were recommended or required at the ages i would have received them, only 2 were withheld. because of how my body has reacted to various over medications over the years, and the fact that the diseases that are treated by the 2 vaccines i didn't get, have never affected myself or anyone i know, i feel very good about my mothers decision. putting anything into your body can be a risk
I'll never understand why science scares some people enough to let their children die from a disease that is preventable.
And the same people will take advantage of all medical science has to offer in a hospital when they get cancer or other serious illness.
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Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.