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He's an idiot!

ninjarider1 7 Mar 3
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That thought always makes me gasp for air. I just can't understand the ignorance
Even religious schools in Brazil teaches evolution. That is just IT. No question....

Zoohome Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

He might be dumber than Trump.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 3, 2019

If you are suggesting we evolved from apes, that makes you the idiot.

& what, pray tell is your expert opinion on this?

@phxbillcee are you serious that you believe we are descendant from apes? If that were the case, why are apes still among us? Much as in dog breeding, you take Breed A and mix it with Breed B to create Breed C. The Homo Sapien is much the same. Different types of homo- humanoids bred with each other and created what we know today as Homo Sapien. Depending on the mixture and the dominant homo- of the region explains the distinct difference in appearance of, for example, your Asian descent, African and European appearances.

@VIKingsCFH Your profile says you had 2 years education. Does that mean 1st grade or you made it to second 2nd? Can't tell if you count kindergarten.


Not believing in evolution is definitely akin to being a flat-earther. Most people would agree that holding onto beliefs that science has overwhelmingly disproven is stupid.

Evolutionary theory does not say "we" (humans) evolved from apes It is always a good idea to do a bit of reading before taking a strong position on anything.

My theory rests in the fact that we did not evolve FROM apes, rather along side WITH apes, seeing as how they do still exist separately from our own species. From the cross breeding of several different hominids we become a specific breed of hominid, the homo-sapien. Depending on the dominant hominid in that region is what gives each of our unique appearance based on such.


Pence needs to be removed first. We cannot afford to have that asshole
as president.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 3, 2019



kinda perfect impeach trump make pence president. smacks forehead

Wasn't that the plan all along?

@Elganned groan

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