After I encountered a tarantula (in my fucking house!) the scorpions here don't really bother me much any more. In fact, all bugs seem kind of small to me now ?
Oh no thanks. Never saw one and don't plan to anytime soon.
Nasty little buggers that's for sure!!!
I worked in a warehouse on the outskirts of Phoenix, & we had pallets of cardboard boxes that the little buggers would crawl in all the time. I'd just get them on a dustpan & throw them back outside. I do that with spiders or other buggies (except for flies) in the house, too. Or use a plastic cup. Now, ants nests I'll eradicate or they'll overrun the yard & then the house. I'd rather not, but little choice, really.
@phxbillcee I try to do the same with just about all the bug critters because they do usually have a good purpose. Fire Ants on the other hand will be destroyed as soon as I find them!! LOL
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