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And Tim Tebow

Allikat 6 Mar 9
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I've defaced a few motel room bibles, myself.


Should be posted on every copy!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 9, 2019

This is how you work to end religion. Write a warning in every bible found in every motel and hotel.

doubt it would end it but certainly a good way to start lol

@bookofmoron ...and let me add...go see the play "Book of, right?

@Robecology its on my bucket list. when it comes Mormons my fav is South Park's take on the Joseph Smith story/fraud LMAO

@bookofmoron I nominate you - since you have such a perfect Avatar - to post this, and re-post it often on this website! Thanks for reminding me! LOL!


@bookofmoron Here's part 2...This will be a very educational tool...


@bookofmoron Here's part 3. Wow....I feel so.....Mormonic.....


@bookofmoron Final got me started...sorry; but this S...t is real...and the world needs to know what a scammer he was....


@Robecology Thanks for the vote of support but i'm going to have leave posting it to you. Seems to be a cross border fire wall blocking me from getting them . . copy right laws can be so inconvenient lol

@bookofmoron Seen it in London. It's brilliant!

Or you could throw it in the garbage. That's what my Richard did if he found one in any hotel we stayed at. He always said, "this crap is dangerous and is garbage, so that's where it belongs!"


Wish I had that warning back in the day.


nice to see a warning before reading - should be mandatory

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