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Getting older.

Heather2367 8 Mar 15
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I'm tellin ya...everything hurts...ugh...


No shit. Mom was right, getting old sucks.


Old age isn't for sissies.


Beats the alternative.

Ludo Level 7 Mar 15, 2019

Well said, Uncle.


Getting closer to "check out time".


Getting old is not for the faint of heart!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 15, 2019

have to be careful not to fall, once the hip goes we are screwed

@Elganned believe it or not, that is why people should lift weights when they are older. It helps to defend against bone density loss.



Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 15, 2019

Lol good one

@Livinlife I use that comment a lot. You'd be amazed how often it fits here


No it doesn't... Well not yet lol


Please remember the origin of the word "sucks"...

Robecology Level 9 Mar 15, 2019

Where do you get that?


to draw (a liquid or other substance) into the mouth by creating a partial vacuum in the mouth
to draw in (fluid, etc) by or as if by a similar action plants suck moisture from the soil
to drink milk from (a mother's breast); suckle
(tr) to extract fluid content from (a solid food) to suck a lemon
(tr) to take into the mouth and moisten, dissolve, or roll around with the tongue to suck one's thumb
(tr; often foll by down, in, etc ) to draw by using irresistible force the whirlpool sucked him down
(intr) (of a pump) to draw in air because of a low supply level or leaking valves, pipes, etc
(tr) to assimilate or acquire (knowledge, comfort, etc)
(intr) slang to be contemptible or disgusting
sucking diesel informal doing very well; successful
suck it and see informal to try something to find out what it is, what it is like, or how it works

Not good. Bad.

The early Jazz musicians would say that a guy could really "Blow" if he had a good sound when playing the horn. If he couldn't play very well then they would say that he was "Sucking" on that horn. That's where the term "Suck" as being something bad came from.
He plays that horn so poorly that he must be sucking on it.

He doesn't blow, he sucks.

origin (sexual)

often a reference to fellatio.
Person A: Your girlfriend really sucks.

Person B: Yes she does!

@Robecology nothing about "forced oral sex. "

@Cutiebeauty OK....I guess I'll retract that then....I thought fellatio..? I don't want to put up a definition of that here....I'll let you research it...

@Robecology fellatio isn't forced oral sex either. Look up sodomy..

@Rudy1962 that's hilarious!

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