7 17

It is expensive

Rudy1962 9 Mar 19
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Be advised that matinee popcorn is what was not sold the previous night. After closing, any unsold popcorn is put in large bags, stored overnight, then reheated and sold at the first and probably second matinee, depending upon how much popcorn they have already sold.

This is when we need the nausea icon. LOL


5 dollars for a water, can just imagine what that stuff would cost. 16 dollars for small pitcher of beer little less then 3 glasses😟


No kidding, you spend more on that shit than the ticket to get in!!!!



Tell me about it!!
I took the small humans to see "Aquaman" on Christmas Eve.
For two children's and one senior admission (at a matinee), one large bucket of popcorn, and one large drink (because we all shared), it cost me $40.
I realize that may not seem like much to most people, but I'm disabled and live on a really tight budget.
I have to friggin' save to be able to do that shit a couple of times a year.

The boy child has a birthday coming up, and our new tradition is dinner and movie.
It used to be new lightsabers, but he's growing up and his toys have become entirely too damned expensive for me to keep up with. Plus, he's got more than a dozen lightsabers now, all courtesy of Aunt Kerry.
Lego sets, depending on how intricate, are costing close to, and over, $100.
I'm not spending that on plastic anything.

Anyway, I've got to save up for dinner and "Avengers: Endgame".

KKGator Level 9 Mar 19, 2019

The only advantage I can see is you can wear a short coat.

brentan Level 8 Mar 19, 2019

I buy my popcorn at the theater because thats the way they are able to make the money to be able to pay the people who work there... just saying...

Rignor Level 7 Mar 19, 2019

I get that....and it's convenient to buy it there...but those folk working there get minimum wages...the corporation makes many times 100% profit from the overpriced addictives...

My strategy is to bring snacks and water from home...they profit enough from the ticket sales. If we dry up the food concessions there, they'll either lower their prices or let the kids working there get better paying more meaningful jobs elsewhere...


The foods they are buying ARE the drugs...


Robecology Level 9 Mar 19, 2019
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