Did you know that today, March 26, is the birthday of the person who originated the term, "meme"?
It's the birthday of noted scientist, author, and outspoken Atheist/Agnostic, Richard Dawkins (3/26/41).
In his book The Selfish Gene, Dawkins coined the word meme (the behavioral equivalent of a gene) as a way to encourage readers to think about how Darwinian principles might be extended beyond the realm of genes. It was intended as an extension of his "replicators" argument, but it took on a life of its own in the hands of other authors, such as Daniel Dennett and Susan Blackmore. These popularizations then led to the emergence of memetics, a field from which Dawkins has distanced himself.
Thanks. I had been wondering about this.
I recently downloaded Dawkins' book The God Delusion (as an audio book) and I just finished the part where he discusses memes. I thought he must mean something other than what we call memes, something more scientific, but it all seemed to fit.
Happy to now know for sure.
If you haven't read anything by this man....please search Barnes and Noble of Amazon for his books. He's articulate, interesting, profoundly logical, and comes up wiht clever ways of looking at thngs. A favorite book of his I read now and then is "An Apetite For Wonder"....
Here he is in a short video. making his now famous comment, "Science - it works ...bitches" often found on T shirts..
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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