So relatedly, here is another orchid that looks like a naked hanging man. FUn! []
In a few weeks, I am going to a "Bras and Balls" party, where the women are in lingere and the men are all naked. I hope you don't mind that I stole this photo as our official flower.
Where this party??
This is good!
Too bad those "hanging men" are actually "women" looking for male "pollen" grains so they can get "pregnant"...that part of the flower is called the's the sticky female looking to capture the male sex cells...the pollen grains....
When I told students (in bio class) that male gametes (not called sperm...simple haploid cells, no tails - but I called them "sperm" to get their attention) actually grow out of every pollen grain, and literally flow down the "growing tube" that grows inside the paid attention.
Commonly known as the monkey orchid, Orchis simia. I'm a repository of useless information.
I want to be a repository when I grow up! LOL!! ? Like that's gonna happen!
Actually, it's Orchis Italia, or Italian Orchid. At least that's what my search turned up.
@Ludo Depends on where you live what they're called. See: []
@WonderWartHog99, a dick pic by any other name... ?
I learn something new every day. Mahalo. Apparently, Orchis Simia, or Monkey Orchid, is the European variety, while Orchis Italia, or Naked Man Orchid, is the Mediterranean variety. Seems like guys just like waving their dicks about the world over!
@Ludo > learn something new every day.
When you find people who do that, they are extremely knowledgeable and extremely aware how vast their ignorance is over what they don't know.
Ergo the paradox: the stupid tell you they know at it all and geniuses who tell you they don't know much. That leads to the old joke: "You're annoying us who do know it all.
There is a Chilean orchid that has been traditionally used as a diuretic.
I am a suppository of useless information.
no idea why but i suddenly feel a little better
Because I'm a nice guy, I won't tell you why you feel better.
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