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A serious meme and Muskism:

EyesThatSmile 8 Apr 8
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Memes are life.




guy sounds like a dick

Why would you say that? I'm impressed with him; Tell my why you're not?

@Robecology things that inspire people should be one in the same with all the miserable problems. that's why revolution is my passion🙂

@metalhead222 Musk is a revolutionary.

You still haven't answered my question....

I encourage you to get to know E.M.; watch the video I posted by N dG T. or watch this....calling someone a dick doesn't make you a revolutionary, it makes you a dick labeler....

@Robecology said he sounds like a dick based on the meme. don't put words in my mouth. even though i agree with a lot he said there, I still think he sounds like a dick!

@Robecology We all have different opinions, doesn't matter. All I see you say is to test drive the car, who cares!


He may be smart, he may be rich, he may be trustworthy, he may be admirable, he may even be wise...
...but he's always looked a bit creepy.
Is it just me?

scurry Level 9 Apr 8, 2019

Get to know him; I don't get "creepy"..single dad of 4 very hard....


@Robecology Hey, I admire the guy in many respects, and like I mentioned, he's smart and admirable and that jazz... Also pretty sure I'll never meet him, so i'll never "get to know him".
Hard working, single dads can be creepy too. I was wondering if it was just me, or if others felt the same.
You obviously don't, so that's cool too.


That’s what memes are for

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 8, 2019

Elon, you are just another shark, feeding off the rest of us

nogod Level 7 Apr 8, 2019

@NoGod; Why do you feel that way, Sir?

Other rich guys get rich "making apps" or selling us stuff....Musk is making the first truly successful Electric car - and he's made all his car patents available - for free - to other car makers.

He's made the first recyclable rockets.

He's making solar shingles that will integrate solar energy in to common homes.

He's made a unique earth boring tool that makes tunnels three times faster than previous technologies.

Watch, then please; explain why you think he's a shark?

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