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I have never understood how any self-respecting woman could be a Christian.

GuyKeith 8 Apr 25
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All religions are against women...I wonder if is because we have the power of real life and everyone really came out of a pussy/belly...or maybe because the head from below thinks louder all the time and instinct speaks louder than reason...


I must admit, I wonder why people not interested in the bible spend time quoting it's fictions?
There is a whole world out here and little is impacted by that book, nor any related books!

Francool Level 5 Apr 25, 2019

Why? Because those who subscribe to religion impact greatly those who do not. I reject your statement that little is impacted by The Bible. I suggest that we all are, and to ignore this intrusion on our lives cannot be tolerated.


Not just christianity

noworry28 Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

Of course. It is much worse in the Middle East.


Irrational religious beliefs get in the way

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 25, 2019

Because they will go to hell if they don't 😟

freeofgod Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

Fear of Hell is one of the most common reason for people to believe...or TOLERATE the evil cult of Christianity. This is beyond tragic.

It is how they were raised. In many ways, it’s not a lot different than how abused individuals react toward their tormentors when they go back/refuse to condemn their abusers. It is familiar and what they are used to.


Because, in our culture, not only are we not taught to think, we are not taught to think critically but we are taught to never question what is presented as authority. God = authority = unquestioning obedience.

This is correct. If anyone takes the time to analyze The Bible, or Christianity, bit by bit, it is all ludicrous.

@GuyKeith If I am not grabbed by the third page, I return the book to the library. This one turned me off on page 1.

@SiouxcitySue I know. The first lie in the Bible is Gen 1:1. However, I feel it is important to read this vile book to, if nothing else, Know Thy Enemy.

@GuyKeith My older brother reads that book cover to cover every year and takes great pleasure quoting the passages where god talks about things on his RIGHT being good and on his left somewhat devil worship related. So, obviously I don't have to read any farther because I am not right with god, which brother never hesitates to remind me. But in my mind, Right-with god- is not the state in which I want to live.


They rationalise some of the things they don't like and ignore the other things.

brentan Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

Salad Bar Christianity []

@GuyKeith The real thing is very, very hard. Not that I'm saying lots try.

@brentan Oh, I know. I've been there.


Like anyone is going to save your soul when you go.


Here here...

Or is it hear, hear...

@Cutiebeauty Or...from Withnail & I "Here, hare, here"

@GuyKeith that's from Elmer Fudd lol

@Cutiebeauty Here

@GuyKeith he looks like Mister Fudd lol

@Cutiebeauty Good ole Uncle Monty. Withnail & I is in my Top 5 movies of all time.

@GuyKeith I haven't seen it but my top five would have to include the sound of music, the ten commandments, and most definitely the wizard of oz... Oh, and it's a wonderful life 🙂

@GuyKeith "Don't threaten me with a dead fish!"

@Cutiebeauty You are dead to me.

@EricTrommater "Give me a wheeze off that faggot" Every line was magical. A tour de force by Grant.

@GuyKeith why is that?

@Cutiebeauty It's a Wonderful Life? No, it's a terrible, terrible movie. My review [] I wish he had just fucking jumped. Selfish bastard.

@GuyKeith all links take me to a blank page lately

@Cutiebeauty It is working for me. Try it again here []

@GuyKeith oops, I just remembered I did a factory reset on this phone recently because of a virus... I didn't adjust my settings... It's working now 🙂

@GuyKeith oh, and I like sentimental hogwash lmao


have said that many times and when you combine those verses with a religious corporation dedicated to keeping women subservient . . . why would any woman continue to support these pricks

Because people cherry pick scriptures they follow, inventing their own religion as they go along.

Peer pressure, family pressure to be a good wife, and mostly fear. Fear of God, fear of your husband. Truth.


Me neither.

KKGator Level 9 Apr 25, 2019
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