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Grab them by the pussy!

joeymf86 8 Apr 30
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I'd say more like posed.

@dartagnan6666 look at the fingers supposedly holding the cat dangling above the box.

@FrayedBear I did some research and this is supposedly the Meow Parlor in New York City. It's a yoga place where you can also pet and adopt cats.

If you think the person is "holding the cat" then you are mistaken. The person is petting the cat, and the cat is sitting on the white hexagon stool that has a clear, see-thru top (made with plastic or glass maybe)

@joeymf86 thanks. It looks like you are correct. On a better screen, the plastic top is just discernable.
However, fingertipping a cat on the top of its head is hardly "grabbing a pussy".

@FrayedBear You must not be familiar with the phrase "grab them by the pussy."

@joeymf86 Known long before Trump's detractors started applying it to him. In the photo the chap has one arm & hand round the woman, the other hand on the cat's head. My understanding of the expression is to literally grasp the genital area of a woman.
Interestingly the Oxford University Press Dictionary of Euphemisms 1995, 2002, R.W. Holder does not include the expression.

@FrayedBear It's just a pun. The headline "Grab them by the pussy" makes you think the guy is going to touch the woman's vagina, but the picture shows him touching a (pussy) cat.

You don't have to be embarrassed or defensive about missing the joke or wrong about it being photoshopped.

@joeymf86 I'm not. My literalness. Lol.




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