5 9

recently returned from there, and this is a bit of an understatement.

glennlab 10 May 12
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That is ironic in that all the main roads on the island have just undergone the laying of what is known as a chip seal. A thin layer of tar is spread and then fine gravel on top. Our roads were already blemish free so many don't understand why this is happening. We are a major bikers place and the gravel on the shoulders has made biking (and walking) difficult. Eventually, as the traffic travels over the road the gravel is imbedded in the tar the road becomes smooth again. I heard a couple of bikers turn on my road and express some expletives. One guy said that at least there were no pothole. We assume the county got an influx of money and needed to spend it. []

JackPedigo Level 9 May 13, 2019

Looks like some of our back hick roads here in MN. Person could loose half a car in some of those.


Where does the tax money go?

brentan Level 8 May 12, 2019

do the words political corruption mean anything to you?



Holy crap, there are more potholes than there is road! 😨

MojoDave Level 9 May 12, 2019

Good old I-10.

and i-20

@glennlab Honestly, I haven't been in Louisianian since 2001.

@WonderWartHog99 Not much has changed.

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