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My youngest daughter posted this to my page

Naejidlopalev 7 May 12
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Cool love it

bobwjr Level 10 May 12, 2019

Haha crazy kid! Happy mommas day!

@Naejidlopalev congrats mom . Your meme is true , exceptional , AND hilarious . 🙌😍


Happy Mother's Day

glennlab Level 10 May 12, 2019

Aren't they the modest ones?

@Naejidlopalev >THAT is what a woman needs to be in this world.

What they need is persistence. Ferocity and unforgiving behavior is one of the better reasons to drive drive a tank over either gender.

@Naejidlopalev It's nice to know how highly you value my opinion. Otherwise, you'd explain what was wrong with it. Once I've stated my opinion, you don't try to explain yours.

The adult thing is to acknowledge other people's opinions. Respecting other people's opinions are optional. The childish thing is to be so self centered you can't stand other peoples opinions and demean them for having stated their opinion.

I actually stopped posting for awhile because your comments were the last thing I wanted to see.

You held my comments in such high regard, you couldn't stand missing them by blocking me. That's so flattering, I'll have to blush.

I think I did a damn good job raising my now adult children.

That's your self serving opinion. I wouldn't know them from any other thug I happened to meet. Having worked in inner city schools, I've met more than my share of thugs and promising felons. Their parents were proud of their children as well, even if they were wearing court ordered tracking gear.

All is forgiven. Go forth and sin some more.


Nice!! Happy Mother's Day!

scurry Level 9 May 12, 2019
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