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Starting the day on your knees

BohoHeathen 8 May 18
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Lol, hey: I’ll get on MY knees to be made love to first thing. This knees thing works both ways!

Fairness is the cause of erectile disfunction (insert appropriate emoji here).

@brentan Erections are great but not necessarily required😊. Just sayin.


What she said! Never before coffee!


You're right, it's wake and bake first, then BJ. LOL


Coffee until it's time for wine.

Yes indeed - my version of uppers and downers.


Yeah, I'm not doing that AT ALL.
If someone wants their dick sucked, he can do it himself.

KKGator Level 9 May 18, 2019

Come on now, I can barely bend over and touch my knees with my hand. How am I going get my head to my dick? All reasonable suggestions considered.

@dartagnan6666 Not having a dick, I don't know what to tell you.
Sure hope you weren't expecting sympathy.
I'm fresh out.

What, sympathy from KKGator?
Just because I can't yet suck my own dick, doesn't mean I fell off the turnip truck yesterday. Lol

@dartagnan6666 I like the way you included "yet". Keep practicing, and
don't forget to stretch!!!!


Nothing should come before coffee (yes, I said come).

brentan Level 8 May 18, 2019
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