Not just it doesn't grow from trees, but it takes a LONG time to fruit. You can plant any top of a pineapple on a pot and ut will be a beautiful bromeliad. It actually takes more cold than I thought it would. (I haven't killed any of my 3 pineapple plants). But none has fruit for me yet.
Wow. Cool!!!! I wonder if there is a trick to getting them to fruit. I know that some plants need to be trimmed a certain way before they bloom.
I have a botanist friend, I wonder if she knows.
@scurry I am sure there is. However, I get my hands in so many projects, the pineapple fruiting is not on priority list.
My new garden project is a above ground sprinkler system . That way I can travel without worrying about my plants. Eventually I will get myself learning inground sprinkler system....
But you can grow your pineapple at home in a pot and sunny area.
Pineapples in trees??? Who helps you people tie your shoelaces? BTW, Cabbages has 2 b's. Jus' sayin'
Wow, how prickish of you to say.
Why so petty and critical?
Typos happen and I'm pretty sure that spelling has nothing to do with the ability to tie shoes.
Does pointing out other people's mistakes make you feel powerful and accomplished?
@MojoDave Really??? Right... Read it (your comment) again.
And somehow, anyone who doesn't know how pineapples grow are automatically idiots who can't tie a shoelace.
Welp. Weather you were being a prick about spelling or not knowing how pinapples grow... you were still being a prick.
So, good for you!!
Not everyone is as fanatic about plants as some of us.
I was thoroughly crushed when my Dad said that money doesn’t! What? School and a job???
Scurry, you need to get out more. Hawaii would be a good start.
In would love to go to Hawaii, doubt I'll happen any time soon.
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