10 7

What are the odds he never attended those "parties"

bookofmorons 9 July 8
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Crudballs pedophile clown

bobwjr Level 10 July 8, 2019

Motherfuckers . I hope they die .

Pralina1 Level 9 July 8, 2019

That explains the Miss Teen USA pageants.

BD66 Level 8 July 8, 2019

New poll shows Trump with highest approval rate since becoming POTUS (44%). Forty four percent of the population approves of him! We are screwed.

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 8, 2019

Rasmussen, which always polls rightwing has him at 44% the day after this poll. With a more accurate sampling.


They just scooped up hundreds of kiddy porn pics at Epstein's home. What are the odds some of them (just the "artistic" ones, of course) are of Ivanka?


Positions of power, have ALWAYS attracted the most despicable piles of scum and villainy for more thousands of years than you can imagine!! The Clintons (especially Slick Willie) made trips to Pedophile Island and engaged in various kinds of sexual activity with young girls and boys there.
Nobody who has gone there since Epstein bought the place and turned it into a hub of sexual deviancy can claim to have clean hands. ALL are complicit and ALL are guilty. That means the men and women who run the place and keep it up as well as the pilots who fly people in and out are all pigs as well. Everyone who has any connection to it needs to be outed as a part of a gigantic sex trafficking ring and dealt with accordingly, no matter where they may flee to. Pedo Island is Michael Jackson's Neverland on steroids!

Logician Level 7 July 8, 2019

We need a vomit emoticon.

Lorajay Level 9 July 8, 2019

Here's Snopes' story on that alleged 13 year old Rape...


And for those who think Snopes is slanted....I searched the court documents...


The woman didn't have enough evidence nor $$ to persue the case.

She dropped it, quite mysteriously, in 2016.

She's since disappeared.

Either Trump's henchmen scrubbed her records, gave her s boob job and some serious $ to "disappear" or she was snuffed.

Robecology Level 9 July 8, 2019

45's already had rape charges by a 13 year old girl, from one of those parties.
She withdrew due to threats against her and her family.

Remember, this is the same asshole who would walk in, unannounced, on underage pageant contestants.
Just because he could. You know, since he owned the pageant and all.

KKGator Level 9 July 8, 2019

Those parties would be like flies to honey so I'm going with 100%

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