Fuck God!
My response to a theist who suggested I hedge my bets. I told him I burned the bridges.
If your response to a theist is anger-based; then you're not sure of yourself.
There's just no need to be angry about any confrontation from a theist...unless you're uncertain...and (s)he's "pushing your buttons"...and knows you'll get upset.
Agnostics say we "don't know" - with no evidence of a god, there's no proof.
There's atheist agnostics who bet no god.
There's Theist Agnostics who bet the possibility of a god..
But again...we - agnostics - just don't know.
Nothing to be angry about, or to declare "fuck god"....
"Maybe she exists...maybe she doesn't".... is my answer...
Which then throws any "hedge your bet" claimers in to a tailspin..."you mean he, right?" they say - to which I ask....you've peeked under his/her robes?
Don't be angry about a god existing or not...just laugh off the "Bet-hedge" accusers.
No anger, R. I was laughing as I said it to a Catholic pal who also in fun asks when I last went to confession. He knows I will reply “In 1956”.
I too occasionally refer to a female deity who may be dark-skinned and lesbian
I agree; if I say it in anger I have a problem to resolve.
@yvilletom I thought at first you said it in anger. (Which tends to only give Agnostics/Atheists a bad reputation.). But I like your response to your friend. I have some xTian friends I can joke with that way.
Ok thanks for sharing
You are most welcome, C.
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