The Google calculatulor seems to think it's 16, which is what I would have thought as well...
Multiplication / Division (in the order they appear)
Addition / Subtraction (in the order they appear)
That's what I was taught anyway.
Not sure about 'new math'.
Was Google calculator in standard or scientific mode? Answer will be completely different dependent upon mode. Uses different order of operation....
@Luvboating I just copied and pasted. Does is show in the screen cap?
@altschmerz Not sure that's how math works...
@scurry I don’t see it there...
Well shit. It is 16. Here is a random explanation I stole but makes total sense now. Oops.
“Keep seeing this math question pop up and every time I see wrong answers. The equation is purposely written in a confusing manner so as to throw off the reader/solver.
Easiest way to avoid this is to do some rearranging of the numbers using some common math principles.
Equation is 8 ÷ 2(2+2). Now theres a whole bunch of confusing stuff in here meant to throw off those who are in advanced mathematics classes because you're conditioned to do some things thanks to Algebra and Calculus. One of these is distributing the 2(2+2) to make 4+4 = 8. Problem in this that 2(2+2) is not it's own formula.
So to accurately fix some of the more confusing issues, we turn everything into multiplication. To do this, we change the ÷2 into a fraction (as division is just a fancy way of multiplying by a fraction anyways)
This makes 8 ÷ 2 × (2+2)
Written again as 8 × (1/2) × (2+2)
Simplified down to:
8 × (0.5) × 4
Solving directly across means we arrive at our answer of 16.
Getting into a whole bunch of issues is the fact of conditioning most folks get into as they end around PreCalculus/Calc1, and the equation is written in a way to take advantage of it. Order of Operations aside, this is why its helpful for simpler problems to entirely convert them into one format if possible, that being multiplication or addition once the fancy stuff is out of the way.
Thanks Satan, as if I needed to do math again.
Edited for some clarity.”
@Luvboating Satan can be a real jerk.
Has math changed or something? Is it not 1? I am really confused. Has the world gone mad?
@altschmerz another vote for 1...but evidently wrong.
Multiplication before division, before left to right. So 1
Order of operations.
@altschmerz LOL
Too funny.
@altschmerz The same Assbook I take it that supports Trump and is infested with his whiny supporters?...
@altschmerz And you think they won't argue?... Those punks never stop arguing because they are always wrong, too stupid to realize it. and have complete faith in their being right because of their "genetic superiority..."
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