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I didn't know he walked that side of the street...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Aug 13
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its all about pretending to be tougher than you are . . . just like Donnie Bone Spurs


These small Penis Pricks are All so predictable . I have coffee at a convenience store . Usually the same cast of characters coming and going . There is this one Fool who I swear is 6 foot 6 if he is an inch and has to tip the scales at 375 lbs . Anyway he has a shoulder holster with a 9mm and 3 clips all the time ( I saw him yesterday ) . Now some things come to mind, first, who would be interested going at this guy ( with or without a gun ) ? How frightened is this guy and how much on the edge is he ? There are an entire gang of these Gun Toting Idiot's that run the gamut of the frightening, small dick posers and just plain Shitbags, jacked up trucks and plenty of gun racks . I live in North Carolina, so there is no shortage .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 14, 2019

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