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Yes folks this is who is picking the leader of the free world...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Aug 18
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Nobody seems to remember, except me, that a real President Obama had to fight like hell to get get anything thru congress and when Obamacare passed, having been rewritten several times by the repukicans, Obama said words to the effect - It isn't perfect but its a place to start - except the elected representatives got very busy distancing themselves from their votes and the fine tuning never got done.

The real problem I have with Obama is he wants his ACA to be the end all of progress now. He has come out strongly against Medicare for all with the rest of the Third way and New Dems. Keep in mind both of those groups are corporate funded and the Third way is a Koch funded group same as the GOP is.


Cognitive dissonance and denial of reality is the core of Cult45.


Obamacare was one of the worst things to happen to me. What a stupid plan that was!!!! It hurt many small companies. So glad he is out of office.

Just a small guess here but you watch conservative news outlets right?... As a small business management major I can tell you it didn't hurt businesses at all. What it did do which I vehemently oppose is create another piece of corporate welfare legislation... This is why I am for Sanders rather than Harris or Warren who want to make Medicare for All into another Wall Street welfare program...

@altschmerz I agree we need to correct the health system. And yes, Obamacare put me out of business. I was not the only one. 🤬🤬🤬

@EyesThatSmile You should have had a proper business consultant because you could have ended up better off from Obama care... The people who went out of business weren't running them right. Let me guess you didn't bother to incorporate did you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I had an LLC.

@EyesThatSmile Then you were doing something wrong as small businesses were never required to provide health insurance to employees...
Are employers required to offer small business health insurance in 2019?

Even with the now-repealed Individual Mandate from the Affordable Care Act (ACA), employers were never required to provide small business health insurance. According to the insurance requirements of the ACA, employers with less than 50 full-time employees are considered to be small businesses, and are still not required to provide group health insurance coverage to their employees in 2019. However, businesses with 50 or more full-time employees (applicable large employers, or ALEs) are still required to provide health insurance to their workers or face penalties in 2019.

Small Employers and the Health Care Tax Credit

Small employers—those with less than 50 full-time equivalent employees—are not subject to the employer mandate. Thus, they need not provide their employees with health insurance coverage. However, small employers who do provide their employees with health insurance may qualify for the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit. This credit is equal to 50% of the premiums small employers pay for their employees’ health insurance. For example, if you pay $20,000 for employee health insurance, you’ll be entitled to a whopping $10,000 tax credit. The tax credit is available to eligible employers for two consecutive tax years.

To qualify for the credit, you must:

have no more than 25 full-time equivalent employees (your relatives don’t count)
pay your employees average annual full-time wages of no more than $54,200 (in 2019)
pay at least 50% of the annual premiums for your employees’ health insurance
offer coverage to every full-time employee, and
purchase your employees’ health insurance through a Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace, a health insurance exchange specifically designed for businesses with 50 or fewer full-time employees.

If you have questions about whether you’re eligible for the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, refer to the IRS’s Small Business Health Care Tax Credit and the SHOP Marketplace webpage.


@EyesThatSmile Also keep in mind that as a small business the entity is not only exempt but if they do decide to participate in the market in addition to receiving the 50% tax credit they can also have employees contribute to the plan's premiums and if they opt out they are the ones who absorb any tax which of course was never applied in the case of individuals. Now of course I think that was voided after the individual mandate was blocked...


He doesn't care he's aged into Medicare.

Lorajay Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

Didn't you hear?... Trumps new budget will make huge cuts to Medicare.... and Social Security as well...


Racist asshole

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 18, 2019

evolution " ain't " working fast enough .

Pralina1 Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

These morons always vote against their own financial interests. If that isn't one definition of really stupid, I don't know what is.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

And his religion tells him he will have "riches in heaven" so he's ok with being screwed.

@Redheadedgammy But do they have outlet malls in Heaven.? All riched up, and nowhere to go.


And the Ignorant Prick deserves to lose much more .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 18, 2019
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