5 12

Something for Portland...

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Aug 20
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The vote is in. #4 should be the next anti-trump campaign poster. As a registered independent voter, I would show it.


I like the last one.. 😊 Don't understand the others... 😞

Portland had a Nazi parade...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz OK. I knew that. What's with the buses?

@Cutiebeauty The first was a picture of them leaving.... The others are just jokes about the type of buses they left on.... Short ones...
"ride the short bus
V. A derrogatory phrase derived from the smaller school bus used to ferry special education students to and from school. 1) To act in an immature or stupid way. 2) To be an immature or stupid person. 3) To drive an especially large S.U.V.
Johnny is such a dumbass, he definitely rides the short bus."

@Lizard_of_Ahaz ah, I get it now... Thanks for the explanation... I'll laugh next time 😊😂


4th is hilarious

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 20, 2019

He tells them what they want to hear and does something totally different.

After the 1,000th lie, people ought to catch on.

Keep praying for that.


All Facts .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 20, 2019
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