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For anyone who thinks that i was a point whore, I posted this in not the most popular group, though in the group that would give me the most shit.

glennlab 10 Aug 26
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Here is a few points for ya.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Aug 26, 2019

you like me need aanother 700,000 or so to move up

@glennlab yup, we are almost there 😅😂🤣


Is shinning armor to protect your lower legs?


Oh gud I know more than a few of those...


The aluminum foil guy happens to be available, ergo she isn't ready to dump him. She'll whine about his faults instead.


Paranoid about going for points?

That's the way the website is set up....

you're not a "whore" if you post for's simply an achievement thing.

Let's stop associating attempts at achievement with "whoring" anyway.

I wish some fine woman would "whore" me....

Robecology Level 9 Aug 26, 2019

>I wish some fine woman would "whore" me....

Le Grand Horizontals charge four figures for the evening.

T'ain't worth it to me but go ahead and call up an escort service anyway.

@WonderWartHog99 'taint worth it to me either...

If I can't find one who'll appreciate a good dinner than I aint paying more than that.

I was just picking on Glenn for calling himself a "point whore"....I say go for the points in a positive way...and not call it a "whoring"...wait...who's that knocking at my door? My whore?

@Robecology "...wait...who's that knocking at my door? My whore?

Good old home delivery. 😇🙃😉🤣🤪🥳😇🙃😉🤣🤪🥳


In 2019, and idiot wrapped in Aluminum Foil is just as useful as a Knight in Shinning Armor.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 26, 2019

Exactly .

GEGR Level 7 Aug 26, 2019

No shit ,explains my lack of companions( also not jerk or chick magnet lol)

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 26, 2019

I have less flattering theories, primarily because my previous wild sexual adventures as a fat, balding, asthmatic white guy. I'm married now and if they show up anyway, Petunia runs them off with a broom.

As a randy 13 year old I got my pudgy paws on the Karma Sutra. It goes into considerable detail on what women want. I re-read that section carefully.


This is absolutely true .

Pralina1 Level 9 Aug 26, 2019
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