You all realize if Bill had stayed active here he would probably have already reached level 10?
Honestly if a person seems to be interesting, you get their phone number, e-mail address, etc., and stay in touch that way.
I really miss Bill.
I've messaged him a number of times, but no replies.
I hit level 9 over a year ago. I just looked at my points and I should be at 9.5.
I'm less than 500k to level 10, but according to the site, I'm still at 9.3.
It doesn't work that way after you hit 200K you reach level 9 but after that every 80K (one tenth of 800K is 80K) you get to the next .1 level....
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Well, that's makes no sense at all.
@KKGator This is about the milestones on a journey... just think in another 10,587 points you will reach the next 1/10 level...
I don't know who Bill is but maybe he got a life.
Life’s are overrated
What are we? Chopped liver? I thought we WERE his life. You mean there’s more to life than memes? He was quoted saying “memes are life”! Hahaha I hope he is well. Good guy.
@EyesThatSmile and what having a " life ", I assume that means dating ?, has to do w a web site anyways ? Except if u dating a dictator or someone insecure in their own skin , y u will stop participating here Bcz of dating . I don't get it . I can see a cut back / time , but dissapear ? I think bill just got tired of all the drama .
@Pralina1 I am sorry. Did you miss the fact that I was joking? I did say I hope he is well and that he is a good guy.
@EyesThatSmile yeah baby I know .
I'm with you, Brentan....Who is/was Bill?
I just don't know. Maybe he was just a nic to us but some people knew his real name.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.