8 10

I'm speechless. I just don't understand how people can blindly support this man. It's beyond obvious that Trump doesn't give two shits about this country. He doesn't even know where states are located!


Kynlei 8 Oct 24
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Breaking News! Trump withdraws troops from New Mexico.

NoIdea Level 6 Oct 25, 2019

Most Trump supporters live on the Faux planet!

MojoDave Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

Republiturds = The Wilfully Stupid .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 24, 2019


Rudy1962 Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

Trump takes out his sharpie. 🤡😂


I totally agree with your post.

freedom41 Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

And his most brilliant explanation? Tweets out that he said it (kiddingly). OMFG again. He truly believes everyone is stupid. Like a 12 year old child.

NHjulie Level 8 Oct 24, 2019

I was thinking more like an eight year old

@Rudy1962 That's funny. I typed 8 years at first but then thought about 8 being more on the innocent side but by 12 they are the wanna be teenager.

@NHjulie makes sense


Whenever I'm speechless, I type 😊


I'm pretty sure you're right. He may know the words New York City, Florida, New Jersey and Washington DC, but I would wager he couldn't point them out on a map of the US.

Americans on the whole are woefully ignorant of geography.

It's hard to forget when I announced I had reserved our room in Amsterdam. Petunia figured we'd need a tour book. She bought a tour book on Scandinavia. 🤪😣

Recently, I told her I had submitted an entry to win a trip to Turkmenistan with predictable results. If I win, she'll never know where I went.

Hey, do you know where Turkmenistan is? We got military bases there. It's a friendly, oil rich country. I want to visit their tourist attraction, the Gates of Hell.

@WonderWartHog99 Turkmenistan borders Afghanistan and from the descriptions I heard and read, the whole country is the Gates of Hell. Altho oil rich, it seems the US has had the same agreement with Turkmenistan as tradidionally with China, so they allow us to fly through their airspace on a minimal basis but I would make sure you have a round trip ticket and an alternative escape plan after you have completed all those touristy things.

@SiouxcitySue I heard and read, the whole country is the Gates of Hell.

You're just saying that because you can't get a drink there. Otherwise it has, for a third world country, a high standard of living. The most violent crime they have is pick pocketing.

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