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scurry 9 Nov 2
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Old cartoon. Where do you get a bag of weed for $20?

Cannablossom: []
... and that's in Canadian Dollars.

@scurry The ads doesn't say how much you get for $20. Five grams a bag does not make.

@WonderWartHog99 Maybe not, but the wesite does, and I supplied a link. Plus, it's a screen cap not an ad. Also, weed in a bag is by pure definition, a bag of weed. Quantity is somewhat irrelevant, as the cartoon mentions monitary value not weight.
Just because it doesn't measure up to your standards doesn't mean it isn't real.

@scurry >Also, weed in a bag is by pure definition, a bag of weed.

Weed in a bag is normally in a sandwich bag. Like if you wanted to put it in a potato sack.....

>Quantity is somewhat irrelevant,

Yankee ditch weed: smoke a pound, get a headache. If you're buying that it's relevant.

@WonderWartHog99 "Yankee ditch weed: smoke a pound, get a headache. If you're buying that it's relevant." Relevant to that situation, not this cartoon or post.
You can find exceptions to every 'rule' if you pick at it enough, but this is a cartoon, a meme, and not a guide to buying pot.
Also, who gives a fuck what kind of bag it might be.
If you need it to be explained further, since it seems to be such an issue for you, maybe the Dad bought a $40 bag and smoked half of it ($20) and the kid smoke the rest...
How about instead of being negative and pointing out some reason the Cartoon is inaccurate, and then grasping as straws to back up your point, maybe be positive and figure out how the so-called inaccuracy could actually work.

@scurry The cartoon sets the price of the goods used. It sets the amount of the goods used. Since there is an objection to the goods being used, it sets the value of the goods consumed.

>"Yankee ditch weed: smoke a pound, get a headache. If you're buying that it's relevant." Relevant to that situation, not this cartoon or post.

It's all relevant.

>How about instead of being negative and pointing out some reason the Cartoon is inaccurate, and then grasping as straws to back up your point,

No, no, Nanette. My relevant point was it's an old cartoon. If it was 1964, the price would be correct. There is no way a person can buy a half ounce of weed in this century.

@scurry >Relevant to that situation, not this cartoon or post.

Cartoon sets the price and the amount, thus rendering it relevant.

@WonderWartHog99 I gave you an active link to where you can buy $20 with of week and a perfectly acceptable scenario where you can pay more for weed and the cartoon works.
But whatever dude. Stay crotchety, it suits you.

@scurry >I gave you an active link to where you can buy $20 with of week

I take that week for $20. How much for the rest of the year?


The link showed a single bud.


Timmy must learn the morality of the situation.

brentan Level 8 Nov 2, 2019

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