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After posting this:
"The million dollar question!"

I found this!

altschmerz 9 Nov 17
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I don't remember much about this except that it had to do with the idea of holiness. Holiness carried with it the sense of separation from everything imperfect or defiled. It's amazing that the attitude changed within a few hundred years to be much more inclusive, showing a supposed son of God actually seeking out such people and pronouncing them more fit for holiness than the so-called perfect and righteous.

brentan Level 8 Nov 18, 2019

I read the situation as man inventing the idea of god, and then when man changes, his idea changes with him. It's problematic, to say the least, to insist on the idea that God is the same always.He clearly isn't.


It's shit like that should be the cause of people abandoning religion .


Christians do their best to distance themselves from those type bible verses. It won't be in the Sunday sermon.

@altschmerz All the beautiful people come to my temple. They make an exception for me because I'm such a charming person.


Ok, enjoy your idiot club. I'll be over here having fun with all these "broken" people.

Kynlei Level 8 Nov 17, 2019

Sounds pretty douchy.

scurry Level 9 Nov 17, 2019

Might save on the good parking spots being taken up.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 17, 2019

What a lousy "god."


Is that the passage that Adolph used when he built the extermination solution buildings for the imperfect kids?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 17, 2019
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