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Boobs Or Ass?

scurry 9 Dec 1
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Likely an ass man.
I'm sure that some of his disciples said, you're an ass, man!


he had 12 boobs that followed him around . . . so i'm going with that


Maybe it's just as well the Devil didn't tempt him with a woman when he in the desert.

I think propriety demanded that the Gospel writers not go there.

brentan Level 8 Dec 1, 2019

sometimes I just don't understand y`all. Having a hard time seeing anything but 8th grade locker room jokes? Not that there was anything wrong with that in the EIGHTH GRADE !

@lookinhard There are plenty of intelectual jokes & memes posted here. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

@scurry oh.....ok....please let me know when the 8th grade humor is finished!

@lookinhard Or you could put on your 'big boy pants' and scroll by the memes you don't like... Or maybe even contribute in a positive way and post some memes you think are appropriate.

@altschmerz right, being overheard in a locker room talking about grab dem by da pussy

@scurry ok....


Well, he didn't have the boobs of a woman, but he did have an ass, so I'll guess he was an ass man. 😛

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